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The following are the members of the board of Malla Reddy Institute of Management Alumni Association.
The Functions of the Executive Body are:

Dr. P. Srinivasa sastry

He presides over all the meeting of the body General Body and Executive Committee; he can cast his vote in case of tie. He can supervise all the Branches of the Society.

    Vice President  
Sunil Bejjan

He shall assist the president in discharging his duties in the absence of the President he shall perform his duty of the President as ensured by him.

E Sai Pavan

He is the Executive Officer of the society and custodian to all the records relating to the society and correspondent on behalf of the society. He has to take on records of all minutes of the society to convey both the bodies of the society with the permission of the President. He guides the Treasurer in preparing the budget and expenditure statement of the society.

    Joint Secretary  
Vinod Pisipati
He has to do the work entrusted by the executive committee. He has to assist the Secretary in discharging his duties, in the absence of the Secretary; he can perform the duties of the Secretary.

Executive Member

Anjan Rao
He is responsible to attend to such activities of the Societies which the Executive Committee entrust to them.
    Exucutive Member  
R Laxman Rao
He is responsible to attend to such activities of the Societies which the Executive Committee entrust to them.
    Ex Officeo  
Firoz Ahmed
He will be coordinating with the college, alumni and Present batch students. He will also mantain the database for alumni beneficiaries.
Srikanth Reddy
He is responsible for all the Financial Transactions and Funds of the Society. He has to
maintain accounts properly along with the vouchers he has to prepare the accounts of the society jointly
with the Secretary or President.


Quorum: Half of the members for the General Body Meeting and 1/4 for Executive Committee Meeting.

Funds: The Funds shall be spent only for the attachment of the objects of the Society and no portion thereof shall be paid or transfer's directly or indirectly to any of the members through any means.

Amendments: No amendments or alteration shall be made in the purpose of the association unless it is voted by 2/3 of its members present at a special meeting conveyed for the purpose and confirmed by 2/3 of the members present at a second special meeting.

Winding Up: In case the society has to be wound up the property and funds of the society that remain after discharging the liabilities, if any, shall be transferred or paid to some other institution with similar aims and objectives.

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